Error Stage commit failed When Upgrading from 6.5.22 to 7.6.1

When using upgrade wizard to upgrade from 6.5.22 to 7.6.1 it failed in the process 4 of 6 (Upgrade). the error returned is; Error Stage commit failed.

Below is an abstract from the UpgradeWizard.log:

Mon, 29 Feb 2016 15:21:48 -0600 [Upgrader] - Copying upgrade/scripts/post/1_ClearVarDefs.php

Mon, 29 Feb 2016 15:21:48 -0600 [Upgrader] - ERROR: Exception: Unable to create directory: /var/www/vhosts/

When I clock on go to home page I receive "Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details."

Has anyone come across this type of issue during an upgrade?

- David

  • Hi Alan:

    I use the following settings. And I have upgraded other instances without major issue.

    find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;

    find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

    find ./cache -type d -exec chmod 0775 {} \;

    find ./cache -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} \;

    I replace "./cache" with "./modules", "./custom", and "./data" in both of the above  lines to run all the changes on those directories and files.

    Lastly I run these lines to change the final file permissions and owner.

    chmod 664 config.php config_override.php

    chown -R apache:apache <instance name>

    Still have not resolved.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Alan:

    I use the following settings. And I have upgraded other instances without major issue.

    find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;

    find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

    find ./cache -type d -exec chmod 0775 {} \;

    find ./cache -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} \;

    I replace "./cache" with "./modules", "./custom", and "./data" in both of the above  lines to run all the changes on those directories and files.

    Lastly I run these lines to change the final file permissions and owner.

    chmod 664 config.php config_override.php

    chown -R apache:apache <instance name>

    Still have not resolved.

    Best Regards,

