[Edit: Just changed the subject, please go to my reply below for more recent details]
I can't save settings in the admin panel. Like password management or system settings.
But it worked a couple of times occasionnaly when trying, but I can't figure out why.
- I'm running a SugarCRM bitnami VM.
- Owner of all files is deamon:daemon.
- Permission is 777 for the test. Upgrade wizard is saying all files are writtable.
- config.php is set as : 'dir_mode' => 1533, 'file_mode' => 436, 'user' => 'daemon', 'group' => 'daemon'
- I disabled mod_pagespeed to be sure
- I can see that config_override date change when I save settings, but nothing is written in file. If I change settings manually in file it's working.
- Tried rebooting apache
- To my knowledge, no specific errors in sugarcrm.log or apache error_log. Can't see any errors...
- Could it be a issue related to the host_name/site_url. My server internal address is 10.x.x.x port 80. External address is mydomain.com:8080. I used the external URL for host_name/site_url. Like if the writting operation in config_override is blocked someway.
- I saw a post in the community and the guy said that php-fpm was not running php as deamon user on his server. But I'm no linux/php expert.
I need some ideas here!
Message was edited by: Jonathan Houle