Hi all,
Question on Sugar Community 6.5.22.
I have imported a CSV with many fields and many rows. It imported fine.
That CSV included three rows which - for the sake of this post - looked like this:
Company ID: 1
Company name: Acme Sprockets
Size of company data: (blank)
now, I want to fill in the "Size of company data" field to all of the companies. So, I set up a CSV which just contained these three rows and looked like this:
Company ID: 1
Company name: Acme Sprockets
Size of company data: 12.34
On the "Check for duplicates" page, the only available field is "Company name". If I move this to the "Fields to check" box then Sugar fails to import the records as it believes them to be duplicates. However, if I don't move it and leave it in "Available fields" then it creates three new records.
So, I want to just append the existing records with data but can't work out how to.
Where am I going wrong?
Thanks in advance,