Decimal field not saving (precision 2, max size 18)

I have a decimal field with precision 2 and a max size of 18. Through some math, I got the number 2.45628549725315e^(-4) [calculation done by hand to check the math]

Shouldn't this number have been truncated at 2 decimal places, avoiding the max size issue altogether? The field is a financial multiplier which is why I used a decimal. Am I correct in my assumptions?

We're on Enterprise


  • Hi Karen Valle,

    If i understood your problem correctly,You are trying to save "2.45628549725315" this value to one decimal field which is having precision-2 max size-18.It will not allow us to save.The reason is your precision(.45628549725315) length is 14.but you have given precision to 2.So it is truncating remaining numbers.So you should increase precision number for your field.


  • Hi Karen Valle,

    If i understood your problem correctly,You are trying to save "2.45628549725315" this value to one decimal field which is having precision-2 max size-18.It will not allow us to save.The reason is your precision(.45628549725315) length is 14.but you have given precision to 2.So it is truncating remaining numbers.So you should increase precision number for your field.

