Upgrade SugarPro 6.5.18 to 7.6.0


We want to upgrade our Sugar Prof. Currently, its running on 6.5.18. Can we upgrade it to direct with available package SugarPro-Upgrade-6.5.21-to- ?

Or if we need to update latest 6.5.x then how we can do that?
I checked only this package available on SugarPro-Upgrade-6.5.x-to-6.5.22.zip.

Please reply. Thanks
Parents Reply
  • Hi pavan,

    I don't know why Tech Implement suggests this, but you don't need to install a fresh Sugar.

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Update to SugarCRM Pro 6.5.21 (SugarPro-Upgrade-6.5.x-to-6.5.22.zip, request it from Support)
    2. Install SugarUpgradeWizardPrereq-6.5.21-to- through module loader, this updates the upgrade wizard and checks for incompatible customizations)
    3. Update from 6.5.21 to 7.6 through Upgrade Wizard (SugarPro-Upgrade-6.5.21-to-

    You might want to try this on a cloned instance before migrating your productive system.


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