upgrade Wizard: "Could not create the temp directory. Check file permissions."


Estoy tratando de actualizar la versión de SugarCRM CE de 5.6.18 a 6.5.22, pero en el momento de "subir" el archivo de la actualización (SugarCE-Upgrade-6.5.x-to-6.5.22.zip) el wizard lanza este error:

"Could not create the temp directory. Check file permissions."

ya tomé medidas extremas (de momento no me preocupan ya que es un ambiente de pruebas en una MV):

chmod -R 777 /path/to/my/sugarcrm/

así que no es por permisos... por que ya los tiene TODOS!

Que más puedo revisar?

Les agradezco,


  • Hi Soporte Tecnico Grupo Belen

    I have faced same error in my upgrade process so I just set below array in config.php and it was work for me. if you provide user and group than blank it and try again.

    array (

        'dir_mode' => 1528,

        'file_mode' => 432,

        'user' => '',

        'group' => '',



  • Hello Soporte Tecnico Grupo Belen,

    I hope you are doing well.

    Please follow the steps and do let us know what the error you are facing after these steps :

    (1)  I think you are facing some permission issue on cache folder. If your sugarcrm is hosted on linux server then you can give 755 permission to all the folders into cache and 644 permission to all the files of cache. Rather I believe that your sugarcrm has some permission issues so better to run the following command to repair your whole sugarcrm permission issue.

    sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

    sudo find ./ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

    Note :  You must be a SUDO user to apply this command.

    (2) You need to put the following 2 lines into your config_override.php file.

    $sugar_config['default_permissions']['user'] = '';

    $sugar_config['default_permissions']['group'] = '';

    Please let us know if you are facing the issue.


  • Hello Soporte Tecnico Grupo Belen,

    I hope you are doing well.

    Please follow the steps and do let us know what the error you are facing after these steps :

    (1)  I think you are facing some permission issue on cache folder. If your sugarcrm is hosted on linux server then you can give 755 permission to all the folders into cache and 644 permission to all the files of cache. Rather I believe that your sugarcrm has some permission issues so better to run the following command to repair your whole sugarcrm permission issue.

    sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

    sudo find ./ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

    Note :  You must be a SUDO user to apply this command.

    (2) You need to put the following 2 lines into your config_override.php file.

    $sugar_config['default_permissions']['user'] = '';

    $sugar_config['default_permissions']['group'] = '';

    Please let us know if you are facing the issue.

