Alex Nassi
Digital CX Operations Director
Hi Doddy,
I doubt APC is fixed anytime soon, Sugar even removed APc from the recommended stack:
That said, I amd recommending using Zend Opcache instead of APC even for SugarCRM 7.5. It is available for CentOS 7 from the EPEL respository (in CentOS, you can install the package epel-release, then php-pecl-zendopcache).
Please take Harold Masselinks advice when configuring it!
Hi Doddy,
I doubt APC is fixed anytime soon, Sugar even removed APc from the recommended stack:
That said, I amd recommending using Zend Opcache instead of APC even for SugarCRM 7.5. It is available for CentOS 7 from the EPEL respository (in CentOS, you can install the package epel-release, then php-pecl-zendopcache).
Please take Harold Masselinks advice when configuring it!