I'm using sugar version 6.1.2 and when I login appear a legal notice "This copy of the SugarCRM...appears to have legal notices... Please contact SugarCRM. The software is blocked. Can't save, can't actualize, etc. Can some one help? Thanks
I'm using sugar version 6.1.2 and when I login appear a legal notice "This copy of the SugarCRM...appears to have legal notices... Please contact SugarCRM. The software is blocked. Can't save, can't actualize, etc. Can some one help? Thanks
Hi William,
which version do you use? If commercial, do you have a running subscription?
Hi Mark
We are using Community Edition and we are using it from 2011 without any problem.
Hi Mark
We are using Community Edition and we are using it from 2011 without any problem.
Hi William,
Please check if some PHP modules are missing, especially php-mbstring can cause such behaviour in older sugar versions.
Also, this might be the result of an updated PHP Version from the hosting side (Sugar 6.X only supports PHP 5.2 and 5.3!):
SugarCRM displays a GPL license message - Installatron Forum