How to show end time  and Location in  Calendar

Hello to every one.

I'm new in Sugar CRM.
We are using SugarCRM 6.5.20 version  and I have a problem .

When we will open Calendar in month view, we can see  that it shows as an start time of the meeting and the subject name of the  Meeting.

Now, what I need is to add end_time and Location In the same view  of the Calendar .

Maybe some one already have  done 
Pls help me if some one can . 

Thank you a lot in advance ,
  • Hi Shijin .

    Thank you for reply.

    well in the detail popup  and in the calendar geed  .

    Now we see in the calendar like this : 08:00am  SomeMeetingSubject

    but I need to show 08:00am-10:00am SomeMeetingSubject 

    Can you help me  whit this ?

    thank you.

  • Hi,

    You can add the end date in pop-up window by modify the additionalDetails.php.
    copy the file modules/Meetings/metadata/additionalDetaisl.php to custom/modules/Meetings/metadata/additionalDetaisl.php
    andd add the end date in additionalDetailsMeeting() function.
    You may need to create a new language file in custom/Extension/modules/Meetings/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.php to define the label for end date.

    I couldn't see the start time showing in the meeting item in calendar as you said.See the screen shot.Its just showing only the subject for me!

    Hope it will help........:)
  • Hi,

    You can add the end date in pop-up window by modify the additionalDetails.php.
    copy the file modules/Meetings/metadata/additionalDetaisl.php to custom/modules/Meetings/metadata/additionalDetaisl.php
    andd add the end date in additionalDetailsMeeting() function.
    You may need to create a new language file in custom/Extension/modules/Meetings/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.php to define the label for end date.

    I couldn't see the start time showing in the meeting item in calendar as you said.See the screen shot.Its just showing only the subject for me!

    Hope it will help........:)