Why Accounts to opportunity have many to many relationship in sugarcrm? Please any one help me to get the answer..

Why Accounts to opportunity have many to many relationship in sugarcrm? Please any one help me to get the answer..
  • Hi Renuka,

    When Lead is Converted to Accounts or in Contacts or Opportunity then to associate that Opportunity we need subpanel in subpanel you can understand this Accounts is created from the particular Opportunity.

    Suppose, a user fill up the web to lead form, then one lead is created in the CRM, that means the user is our lead and it could be convert into our Opportunity and according to Sales Stage it become the Accounts or Contacts in CRM.

    So, that opportunity need to be associated with Accounts to track this Accounts is created from this Opportunity, like this.

    I think that is well enough to understand the subpanel.

    Thanks & Regards
    Sumit Sahay

    Email : sumit143sweta@gmail.com
    Skype : sahay786