Thank you for being one in 10,000!

Since the launch of Sugar Club three years ago in August of 2020, it has been a pleasure to share with our members the milestones we've reached together as a community of customers, partners, employees, and Sugar aficionados, and today, there is another incredible milestone to share...  

There are now more than 10,000 SugarClub members!

Each and every one of you has helped to make this community what it is today - a place where Sugar enthusiasts can come together to learn, share, and collaborate with one another from all corners of the world. This milestone of 10,000 members is extremely impressive and could not have been done without our customers, partners, and employees all coming together to build this community and help make it what it is.

THANK YOU for being one in 10,000 - we are truly honored to have you as a SugarClub member! To mark the occasion, we are awarding a special 1 in 10k badge to all current SugarClub members. You'll find your new badge on your profile.

With this milestone, I'd like to take a moment and specifically spotlight and give an extra show of gratitude for a few Sugar customers who have been foundational in SugarClub: 

You five have been some of our most active customers in SugarClub over the last few years, and I think I can speak for every member when I say THANK YOU for your invaluable contributions, insight, expertise, and willingness to help other members.

I look forward to SugarClub reaching and surpassing more milestones and can't wait to see what the next three years bring. Thank you all again for your participation and support of one another over the last three years. We couldn't do it without you.  

As we look to the future, we are excited about the many updates and improvements that are coming to SugarClub, and we are always open to new ideas and suggestions from our members. So please reach out to me () or e-mail if there is anything we can do to make your SugarClub experience even better!