The Scoop Q3 2024: It’s Time for Generative AI

Since our last Scoop update, we’ve been working on making the Sugar platform better than ever. We’re excited to show you what’s in store in our Q3 2024 Sugar Sell and Serve release.

AI Summarization for Opportunities and Cases

In this release, we’re saying goodbye to data overload. Our new Intelligence add-on includes AI Summary dashlets that leverage Generative AI technology to deliver relevant and concise information about your opportunities and cases, plus suggested next best actions. Enhance your sales and service teams’ performance and improve customer experience with key insights at a glance.

Consistent Chart Colors

In our Q3 update for Sell and Serve, our charts now have consistent colors for the same field values across all reports, making it easier to spot trends.

Service Insights

Service managers can now easily track their team’s performance, SLA trends, time-to-close, and more with our new Service Insights dashboards. Using out-of-the-box time-aware reports for cases, you can now understand your service performance better than ever.

Access SugarLive in the Self-Service Center

In this release, customers can contact you via chat and calls directly in the Self-Service Center using SugarLive, making omnichannel support faster and better. 

Lastly, the Q3 2024 release includes more enhancements for better currency conversion management in quotes, timeline in Mobile, and the Product Catalog in Serve.

Closing Thoughts

The Q3 release paves the way for new intelligence capabilities and so much more, and we couldn’t be more excited for you to try out the Q3 update for Sell and Serve. Make sure to review the July 2024 page in Release Central for more details about this update!