Hi everyone,
The deadline for the customer breakthrough awards is five days away! October 22 at 5 pm PDT is the deadline for you to submit your organization for an award, and it only takes ten minutes to submit a nomination once you have all the information gathered. If you've got questions, we've got answers. I've compiled some information below to help you in the submission process and answer any questions you may have!
Question: How many awards categories are there?
Answer: We've curated eight awards categories to celebrate our diverse customers worldwide. Click here to read the category descriptions!
Question: Is this open to all customers?
Answer: Absolutely! No matter where you're located or what tools you use, we want the chance to celebrate you!
Question: Can someone submit on our behalf?
Answer: Yes! A Sugar employee or Partner can submit on your behalf if you wish.
Question: What happens if my organization wins?
Answer: Winners will be notified by their Customer Success Manager at SugarCRM or their Partner the first week of November. Winners will receive a media kit with their digital badge, award logo, press release template, and next steps. A public announcement will follow on November 9, in which SugarCRM will issue an official press release.
Question: Why should I consider this?
Answer: An understandable question. In your shoes, I'd ask the same. As a SugarCRM Breakthrough Customer, customers receive:
Become a Breakthrough Award Winner!
We sincerely hope you'll take a few minutes to submit your company for an award. Click here to get started!