This example explains how to add additional buttons to a new section in the sidebar nav layout. We will create a custom view and append the view component to the sidebar-nav layout metadata. The additional button will merely show an alert and a flyout menu with a link to the Accounts module but can be expanded to do much more.
Steps To Complete
This tutorial requires the following steps, which are explained in the sections below:
- Extend the language files to include the new labels
- Creating the Custom View
- Appending the View to Layout Metadata
- Adding a Secondary Action
Extending the Language files to Include New Labels
We'll want to add a couple new labels for our new sidebar-nav-item. To do, create the following file: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/en_us.greetingNavItem.php
. Now add the following contents to the file:
<?php // Create the "Hello" label $app_strings['LBL_HELLO'] = 'Hello!'; // Create the "Greetings" header $app_strings['LBL_GREETINGS'] = 'Greetings';
Creating the Custom View with a Primary Action
To add a new sidebar-nav-item-group
and sidebar-nav-item
, you will first need to create the custom view that will contain your button and logic. To create the custom view create a folder in ./custom/clients/base/views
with the name of your view, such as ./custom/clients/base/views/greeting-nav-item/
. Once your folder is in place, you can create the three primary files that make up your view:
- Contains the handlebar template for your viewgreeting-nav-item.js
- Contains the JavaScript controller logicgreeting-nav-item.php
- Contains the metadata your view might use. For this example, we simply use the metadata to define whether the greeting will auto close or not.
{{! Define HTML for our new button. We will mimic the style of other buttons in the sidebar-nav so we remain consistent. }} {{#if appIsSynced}} <button class="sidebar-nav-item-btn w-full bg-transparent absolute p-0 text-base text-initial" rel="tooltip" data-placement="{{tooltipPlacement}}" title="{{str label module}}" > <span class="collapsed block ml-0 px-5.5 py-2" rel="tooltip" data-placement="{{tooltipPlacement}}" title="{{str label module}}"> <i class="{{buildIcon icon}} text-white"></i> </span> <span class="expanded ellipsis_inline ml-0 px-5.5 py-2 text-white" rel="tooltip" data-placement="{{tooltipPlacement}}" title="{{str label module}}"> <i class="{{buildIcon icon}} text-white"></i> <span class="text-sm pl-4.5">{{str label module}}</span> </span> </button> {{/if}}
({ extendsFrom: 'SidebarNavItemView', primaryActionOnClick: function(){ app.alert.show('greeting-alert', { level: 'info', messages: 'Hello '+app.user.get('full_name')+'!', autoClose: this.meta.autoClose || false }); }, })
$viewdefs['base']['view']['greeting-nav-item'] = array(
'autoClose' => true
Appending the View to Layout Metadata
Once the view is created, you simply need to add the view to the sidebar-nav Layout metadata. The sidebar-nav Layout is located in ./clients/base/layouts/sidebar-nav/
, so appending the view to this layout can be done via the Extension Framework. Create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/clients/base/layouts/sidebar-nav/
and the Extension Framework will append the metadata to the Sidebar-Nav Layout.
Next, we’ll want to create the view: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/clients/base/layouts/sidebar-nav/greeting-nav-item.php
<?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['sidebar-nav']['components'][] = [ 'view' => [ 'name' => 'footer-greet-button', 'type' => 'footer-greet-button', 'icon' => 'sicon-bell-lg', 'label' => 'LBL_HELLO’, ], ];
Once all the files are in place, you can run a Quick Repair and Rebuild and a new group and nav-item in the bottom of the sidebar-nav bar layout.
Adding a Secondary Action
With the introduction of the sidebar-nav-item component, we’re now introducing secondary actions. These appear by way of a kebab menu when hovering on the sidebar-nav-item container to which they are added. It can be configured similar to a Primary Action.
In this example, we’ll add a secondary action to our footer-greet-button view. It will trigger a flyout menu that has a link to the Accounts module.
First, we'll need to add the markup to render the kebab icon in ./custom/clients/base/views/greeting-nav-item/greeting-nav-item.hbs
. The new template will look as such:
{{#if appIsSynced}}
<button class="sidebar-nav-item-btn w-full bg-transparent absolute p-0 text-base text-initial"
title="{{str label module}}"
<span class="collapsed block ml-0 px-5.5 py-2" rel="tooltip" data-placement="{{tooltipPlacement}}" title="{{str label module}}">
<i class="{{buildIcon icon}} text-white"></i>
<span class="expanded ellipsis_inline ml-0 px-5.5 py-2 text-white" rel="tooltip" data-placement="{{tooltipPlacement}}" title="{{str label module}}">
<i class="{{buildIcon icon}} text-white"></i>
<span class="text-sm pl-4.5">{{str label module}}</span>
<button class="sidebar-nav-item-kebab bg-transparent absolute p-0 h-full">
<i class="{{buildIcon 'sicon-kebab'}} text-white"></i>
Now we can define the components that will be used in the flyout menus via metadata in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/clients/base/layouts/sidebar-nav/greeting-nav-item.php. The new metadata looks like this:
<?php $viewdefs['base']['layout']['sidebar-nav']['components'][] = [ 'layout' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group', 'name' => 'sidebar-nav-item-group-bottom', 'css_class' => 'flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0', 'components' => [ [ 'view' => [ 'name' => 'footer-greet-button', 'type' => 'footer-greet-button', 'icon' => 'sicon-bell-lg', 'label' => 'LBL_HELLO', 'flyoutComponents' => [ [ 'view' => 'sidebar-nav-flyout-header', 'title' => 'LBL_GREETINGS', ], [ 'view' => [ 'type' => 'sidebar-nav-flyout-actions', 'actions' => [ [ 'route' => '#Accounts', 'label' => 'LBL_ACCOUNTS', 'icon' => 'sicon-account-lg', ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ];