What is this UX/UI Redesign?
Sugar is implementing a customer-inspired, research-based redesign of the user interface and navigation. This redesign gives you more visual real estate, serving up more relevant data to your fingertips to help increase your productivity and accelerate goal achievements.
Here is a top level overview of the benefits to the UI changes:
- Reduced noise. Limiting the top navigation elements in the left Nav (rail) were easier to consume for user. WE heard that most average users navigate to 3 modules. Admins do use much more but the expanding drawer was identified as a convenient solution for them.
- Familiarity - Admins anticipate the alignment of the design with other tools their users work with daily will make Sugar more intuitive and comfortable. Particularly when onboarding new employees. Using common UI patterns means that new users can leverage existing knowledge making the application feel more intuitive.
- Search front and center - Search is a highly used feature for service agents and Sales reps to quickly get to a record. The new header design promotes this interaction. (admins mentioned the number of times they were surprised that their users asked how to search within Sugar even though the search is in the header today.
- Screen Real estate – This change keeps the overall content area very much the same. This is desirable for working in lists and our 2 column records. (Screen size/resolution will greatly impact the perceived value of this)