• how do I get curren contacts module record.js for upgrade version 9.0.1 to 9.0.6 ?

    [2024-07-09T07:07:03+00:00] INFO => F: [Issue 110][red][useOfAppViewInvokeParent][562][useOfAppViewInvokeParent] Use of removed Sidecar app.view.invokeParent method in custom/modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/recordlist/recordlist.js ({ extendsFrom…
  • why doesn't work the 'include(config.php)'?

    Hello everybody I am sending data by ajax from a custom module to make inquiries with the data sent, so I include a connectionDB.php with this data: include('config.php'); $db_host_name=$sugar_config[dbconfig][db_host_name]; $db_user_name=$sugar_config…