Hello guys,
I'm having problem with custom filter with date type field.
On server there is a custom filter like that:
'filter_definition' => array(
'sng_etapa_atendimento_c' => 'negociacao',
'$or' => array(
'sng_ag_data_prox_contato_c' => array(
'$dateRange' => 'today'
'sng_atd_dt_prox_contato_c' => array(
'$dateRange' => 'today'
'editable' => false,
This filter works very well on sugar web version but on the mobile one, this filter did not retrieve anything.
So I've tried to customize the filtered-list-view: https://mobiletools.sugarcrm.com/docs/latest/sdk/docs/sdk/tutorial-meetings-list-view.html .
const customization = require('%app.core%/customization.js');
const FilteredListView = require('%app.views%/list/filtered-list-view');
const MeetingsListView = customization.extend(FilteredListView, {
initialize(options) {
this.collection.filterDef = {
sng_etapa_atendimento_c: 'negociacao',
date_modified: {
$dateRange: 'today',
This example worked very well, using the date_modified field(DateTime type), but when I've tried to use the field
sng_atd_dt_prox_contato_c(Date type) the filter did not worked. So I created a new custom field
on instance called dt_prox_contato_apagar_c (DateTime Type), filled the field with today information
and change the filter to:initialize(options) {The filter worked!
this.collection.filterDef = {
sng_etapa_atendimento_c: 'negociacao',
dt_prox_contato_apagar_c: {
$dateRange: 'today',
My question is: Is there a problem on mobile to filter Date type fields?
Because I need to make the filter on the Date type field...