• How to remove a team from users->Access->My teams ?

    Hi All, I am trying to remove the global team from user's profile by the following code in logic hook //Retrieve the bean $bean = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $record_id); //Load the team relationship $bean->load_relationship('teams'); //Remove the teams…
  • Adding a team to a record through coding using after_save logic hook not working

    Hi everyone, I would like to add a team to a record through coding. I am using after_save logic hook but it is not add the team to the record. If I use before_save hook, then it’s working. I would like to use after_save hook as it is recommended by…
  • How to set multiple team when create new record via logic hook

    Hi, I try to create case record and put multiple teams, one is primary team(fetch from parent) another is team id but it doesn't work. $c = BeanFactory : : newBean ( 'Cases' ) ; $c - > name = 'Test' ; $c - > status = 'New' ; $c - > assigned_user_id =…