• user logout issues when using REST AP

    In my plugin, I'm using the SugarCRM function SUGAR.App.api.getOAuthToken() for querying any data (get/post) on each ajax call of SugarCRM v10 REST API. Below is the piece of ajax request code $.ajax({ beforeSend: function(request) { request.setRequestHeader…
  • Custom module with existing database table

    I have requirement to create a custom module and display with records of opportunities module with condition. How can I do this.Is is possible to create a custom module with existing database table ?
  • Add notes to custom module

    Hi all, we had a developer add a custom module Feature Keys (holo_FeatureKeys) to our Sugar Ent 9.0. I now need to add notes support to this module. Using studio I created a relationship one-to-many in the feature key module to notes (see attached) however…
  • How to develop an module builder for SugarCRM v8?

    Hi, I'm planning to develop a module builder to upload in SugarCRM v8 to display values from a third party website. So, in the contact page, the module builder should take the contact's email and search in the third party website using the API request…
  • Custom api sugarcrm 8.0 not working

    The function of my code is, i want it to capitalize the initial letters of the field firstname and last name when they click the Upper name button. here's the code: <?php class UpperNameApi extends SugarApi { public function registerApiRest() { return…