• Creating custom fields based on selection of fields i need to get result and total result in another custom fields in sugarcrm 7

    Hello Frieds I want to create a Three Radio box with lable on top, then i want one text box (Salary). When their check from Four Radio box based on that i need to display the value on text box (Salary). Example: How much experience you have? 1 Year -…
  • Bootstrap version in SugarCRM 7.7

    Anyone have an idea regarding what will be the version of Bootstrap in its upcoming relase for SugarCRM 7.7 As file indicates currently it is: Bootstrap v2.0.1 Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 will it be upgraded to current…
  • Auto Increment Integer Field in SugarCRM 7.6 On-Demand (SaaS)

    I've been encountering an issue when working with SugarCRM 7.6 On Demand (aka SaaS instance) in making a custom field auto-increment on every update. Since I can't access the code directly to modify Sugar's internals to create an auto-incremented field…