• Making fields as Read only conditionally not working

    Hi, I am trying to make all the fields in Quote as "Read Only" when the Quote stage is "Invoiced/Credited" Method 1: For this I have created a file in src/custom/modules/Products/metadata/dependencydefs.php <?php $dependencies['Quotes']['read_only_fields…
  • Record View Layout in studio is showing single column

    Hi Everyone, In studio for all modules in record view layout it is showing single column( fields are updating in single column) and in module view I am able to see the layout in two columns. Layout in Studio: Layout in module: If I add new fields in record…
  • Users Teams are not listing in the detailed view

    I am currently using SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.0.1 (Build 239) (Spring '18) . In Users detailed view page under Access tab, I couldn't not able to see all users teams. While debugging I found out that in src/modules/Users/User.php has a method get_my_teams…
  • Non accessible quotes getting loaded by bean

    I want to load quotes by user role access and permission.Using SugarQuery and Bean object ,I am trying to load the quotes but I am getting non-accessible quotes in the result. Please suggest me any way to get user accessible Quotes only.Here in my case…
  • Process Definition is not working with assigned user and change field actions

    Hi All, I am trying to create one process definition with actions assigned user( to assign one user) and change field ( to update team) based on condition which I mentioned in start for newly created records. But when I enable that process definition…