• SugarQuery N-Deep Join Issue

    I tried the N-Deep join from https://developer.sugarcrm.com/2014/04/22/sugarcrm-cookbook-sugarquery-the-basics/ but it seems to be not working. did anything changed in Sugar 7.7 $query = new SugarQuery(); $query->from(BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts')…
  • Sugar 7 Contact module record view header add middle name

    Hello, I want to add middle name record view header pane in contact module. Ramana Raju Santhana Francesca Shiekh Alan Apter Thanks Dipesh Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd
  • Quote PDF bold issue

    Hello, I have used Sugar When I have download Quote pdf, I have set PDF template bold product name does not display. I have find issue, my current PDF properties "Bold" font not found. I am downloading PDF from other new Sugar "Properties" font…
  • How to add description field in Call Dashlet

    Hello, I need to add description field in Call dashlet. There is no option in studio to add extra field in dashlet. How can it's possible? Dipesh Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd
  • how to include web js file and apply jquery

    Hi folks i have developed script for google maps address I have load js files like <script src=" http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=#@#$$$#&sensor=false&libraries=places "></script> and fire jqyery on input element like address <input type="text…