• SugarCRM REST API - Filter POST - Related Module Fields

    I'm trying to retrieve, using REST API, a list of records and one of its related module fields. Let's assume Accounts and Opportunities. So, API Documentation (in the GET Filter) talks about defining related module in the fields parameter: According to…
  • Best Practices: How do I pass a mass collection, specifically ids, as API parameter?

    I have a custom module, I added a list view action that calls a custom API. I have a couple of options in mind: 1) call the API once per ID of the potentially hundreds of selected items, 2) call the API passing the mass collection as a parameter (can…
  • How to send description when registering a new lead

    Hello, I want to register a new Lead with first name, last name and description. First name and last name works fine using the /Leads/register endpoint but it seems to ignore the description data. What am I doing wrong here? Here is my code: $json = array…
  • How can I Get random List with V10 API

    Hello, I have to get Random List for Leads Module in my fronted using V10 API. So How it's possible to random Leads display? Thanks Dipesh Patel Offshore Evolution Pvt Ltd.
  • Datetime field did not update using v10 API Sugar7.6.2.1?

    I have to update custom field with custom module type="datetime" and argument with data is date('Y-m-d H:i:s') I need to update using v10 REST API. but not working. Please suggest.