• How to exclude customer groups in a calculated field?

    Hello, I'm new to SugarCRM and its developing tools. I've built a calculated field in the opportunities module ( sugar 8.0 Professional) and it works fine. ifElse(greaterThan($amount,10000),divide($amount,3),0) --> installment payments should be divided…
  • SugarCRM 8.0.1 not recognizing increase in limit of total fields in Elasticsearch 5.6.9 index

    In SugarCRM 8.0.1, I am trying to schedule a full system index, but I am running into the following error in the SugarCRM error log: [FATAL] Elasticsearch request failure: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [my_index] has been exceeded I am connected…
  • Attributes.metadata missing in SugarCRM 8.0.0

    If you examine Sugar using Chrome's DevTools, you'll see that there are many attributes under App.controller.layout.model.attributes , one of those being metadata . If you examine Sugar 8.0.0 the same way, there are much less attributes available…