• this.context undefined

    Hi. I'm working on a customization of the recordlist.js I have the following code /custom/modules/Contacts/clients/base/view/record/recordlist.js: extendsFrom: 'RecordlistView', initialize: function(options) { este = this; var self = this; this._super…
  • >7.9 set readonly in javascript

    Hi, we are upgrading SugarCRM from 7.6 to 7.9 and setting readonly depending on values in Javascript does not work anymore. Cause the model is availble after rendering, setting a field to readonly has no effect when it's used in this.on('render', ...…
  • 7.9 Quoted line items - on-change controller

    Has anyone figured out where to define on-change events for Quoted Line Items? We need to look up pricing in a third party ERP based on mft_part_num. I already removed the populate related for the price field using the Extension framework, and now I'm…
  • Dynamic Multi-select on QLI will not store selected value/s, though it says it saved.

    SugarCRM 7.9 Quotes I have a dynamic multi-select in Products, the items are retrieved appropriately and the dropdown values display and are selectable. However, when I save, the selected values are not saved in the database although there are no errors…
  • Tax calculation on line item - Quote Sugar 7.9

    Hello, I have noticed currently quote calculation on Quote level. I can apply to calculation tax on quote line item level. Because I have different type categories and product, so each product apply different type of VAT. I have attached below screen…
  • Sugarcrm 7.9: Validate Quote `Group List` upon Save

    Im trying to add validation to Quote line items. As the quote moved to Sidecar in Sugarcrm 7.9 save to lineitems are difference. We can edit and save each lineitems. Im trying to validate some field upon save in the Line items refer image below. I have…
  • Plan to support Amazon Aurora or MariaDB in future?

    We are wondering if the option also exists to use Amazon Aurora or MariaDB for Sugar 7.9 or if there is a plan to in the near future. Aurora in particular offers a useful enterprise features that we would like to use such as the use of read replicas and…
  • How can I render a Sugar datetimecombo field anywhere with Sidecar?

    I have a custom block on the page and I want to use the Sugar datetimecombo field there for date and time selection like this: How can I render a field like that somewhere else in my customisation javascript files? I also need to be able to set the value…
  • Copying custom fields from a Product Catalog Entry to a new Quote Line Item

    Hello... In Sugar 7.9.x: Does anyone know h ow we get new custom fields in the Product Catalog (Product Template) module automatically copied over as default values for the line items in the Quotes module? Out of the box it does this for some fields …