• SugarCRM API Metadata endpoint. Properties - How to define an updatable field?

    Hi, When querying the /rest/v11/metadata?type_filter=modules endpoint we can see the list of fields under the /fields object. Some fields have the property "readonly", as the name implies this defines if this field can be used on Create/Update endpoints…
  • Using business process definitions to manipulate read-only fields

    Hi all, I have a status field that I want to be read-only (so users can't manipulate it) and have the value changed by business process definitions only. This doesn't seem to be possible. Business process definitions are denied the ability to manipulate…
  • Set edit button disabled when parent record has certain state

    Hi, I want to create a dependency that sets the edit button to readonly when the parent case has a certain state. I came up with the following but it doesn't seem to work. Any idea's? <?php $dependencies['Documents']['DisableEditModeIfCaseClosed…
  • Dependency to make field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel

    I want to make the field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel. From the subpanel, I am pulling one field value from a related module and save in the parent module filed. Then I want to make the parent module filed read-only. And want…
  • Make module readonly for all including admin

    Hi guys, I am looking for a way to make my module Readonly for all the users including System Admins. I had a look at SugarACLAdminOnly strategy and used it but it only worked for regular users as I understood that ACLs applied only to regular users and…
  • Can I use a dependency to set entire record to read only?

    I know how to use a dependency to set one or more fields to ReadOnly but is there a simple way to set EVERY field in a record to read only without having to do it for each field? I would like to avoid using the controllers to get it done for each view…
  • Record View Row Not Collapsing When Dependency Based Field Is Defined as Read-Only

    Field Vardef: 'rate_guarantee' => array ( 'required' => false, 'name' => 'rate_guarantee', 'vname' => 'LBL_RATE_GUARANTEE', 'type' => 'int', 'massupdate' => false, 'default' => '', 'no_default' => false, 'comments' => '', 'help' => '', 'importable' =…
  • How to freez/readonly strings of textarea on condition

    Hi Everyone, I have created Textarea field, once data is entered by the any user, next time when some other user try to edit that textarea field it can be editable but old text area data given should not be removed (i'e freez)but can be extended. Does…