• Add Line Item to Custom Module Just Like Quote Line Item

    Hello All, We are using Sugarcrm 8.2 Ent Edition We require a below functionality There is a custom module and we need to add line item panel on record view Does anyone have any reference or any code that we can attach line item to module
  • Add Quote like functionality to the Custom Module

    I need to create a module exactly same as quote module with all functionality of quote module My Custom Module name is "Order Form" Quote & "Order Form" will be related as 1 to Many i.e 1 "Quote" : Many "Order Form" Product and "Order Form" will…
  • Sugarcrm 7.9.3: Quote Line Items -CreateView- ReadOnly Not Working

    I'm working on sugar 7.9.3, When trying to make a field in quote line item to readonly its not working. Following is the scenario. I added product field status to show in quote line items. modules/Quotes/clients/base/views/record/record.php ( Worked in…
  • Tax calculation on line item - Quote Sugar 7.9

    Hello, I have noticed currently quote calculation on Quote level. I can apply to calculation tax on quote line item level. Because I have different type categories and product, so each product apply different type of VAT. I have attached below screen…
  • Sugarcrm 7.9: Validate Quote `Group List` upon Save

    Im trying to add validation to Quote line items. As the quote moved to Sidecar in Sugarcrm 7.9 save to lineitems are difference. We can edit and save each lineitems. Im trying to validate some field upon save in the Line items refer image below. I have…
  • Copying custom fields from a Product Catalog Entry to a new Quote Line Item

    Hello... In Sugar 7.9.x: Does anyone know h ow we get new custom fields in the Product Catalog (Product Template) module automatically copied over as default values for the line items in the Quotes module? Out of the box it does this for some fields …
  • How can I increase the width of the product lookup on quotes in

    The product lookup box that return a short list of matches from the product catalog when you start typing a name is too short of our implementation. It's only 162px wide and we need more like 400px. I found numerous suggestions on how to increase the…