• Where i can found phpunit tests examples for sugar13 ?

    Hi, I'm trying to get sugarCrm phpunit tests examples to do my own tests. I was reading older discussion that gives as example an sugarCrm github repo but this repo doesn't exist anymore so I wonder if is still exist some place to get different sugar…
  • how to test sugarhook logic in sugarcrm10

    I have the following logic hook <?php if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) { die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); } require_once('modules/Order/OrderSearchHelper.php'); /** * Class OrderHooks */ class OrderHooks { public $bean;…
  • How can I create PHP unit test for Sugar 8

    Hi All, How can I test logic hook functions using PHPUnit test. Please help me create PHP unit test for Sugar 8
  • Writting unittest for SugarQuery

    How to write unitest for the function that using SugarQuery object? <?php function getAccounts() { $sugarQuery = new SugarQuery(); $sugarQuery->from(BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts')); $sugarQuery->select()->addField('status_c'); $sugarQuery->joinTable…