• Restrict relate field to not relate to itself

    I have an Accounts relate field on Accounts for the parent Account and I want to prevent the user from setting the account as it's own parent. I can certainly check the id once the save is clicked but I'd rather prevent them from choosing the wrong one…
  • Getting the Organization ID of the user

    Hello, I am storing the organization ID of each integrated account in our database, but I can't seem to find it in the rest api response of SugarCRM. I am using this endpoint for getting the current user data. /rest/v11/me The ID of the current user is…
  • auto increment integer field

    Hi, I use sugar 7.6 pro and I want a custom integer field id_autoincrement in the task module which is autoincremented every time that I create a new task. If I create a task and the last created id is 10 the new one will be 11 for example. I find a lot…