• Pitfalls to Converting Dropdowns to the MySQL enum type

    I have run some tests on our production data and the results look promising. I want to convert all my dropdowns to actual MySQL enum type from the current VarChar types. I am rewriting the MySQL code in Sugar to support this so my QRRs and any New Dropdowns…
  • How We can display drop down database value to Lable value.?

    How we can display drop down database value to Lable value. Ex. db value -1(db) - New(Label) 2 (db) - In progress (Label) 3 (db) - Working (Label) 4 (db) - Close (Label) 5 (db) - Pending (Label) i want to display new
  • How to manually create dependent dropdowns

    The documentation section Manually Creating Custom Fields provides a good description of creating fields using the module loader, including dropdowns. But how can I do the same thing for dependent dropdowns, where I need to specify a parent dropdown and…