• How can I render a Sugar datetimecombo field anywhere with Sidecar?

    I have a custom block on the page and I want to use the Sugar datetimecombo field there for date and time selection like this: How can I render a field like that somewhere else in my customisation javascript files? I also need to be able to set the value…
  • Showing task date and time in the activity and history subpanels

    Hello developers, i noticed that the calls and meetings in the Activity and History subpanels are showing Date and time , but the Tasks are shown without the time (only date). how can i display the time of the Tasks in the activity and history subpanels…
  • How do I programmatically set a datetimecombo field?

    I have tried these examples in record.js: this.model.set('my_custom_datetime_field_c', "2016-02-01 00:00:01"); this.model.set('my_custom_datetime_field_c', Date.parse("2016-02-01 00:00:01")); The first one gave this error on save: Did not recognize my_custom_datetime_field_c…