• Records last Modifications date automatic changes without updating records ?

    Hi All Please suggest , Records last Modifications date automatics changes without updating manual or api records ? any one have any idea why this is happen ? and where is it possible and why modification date changes without changes updating records…
  • Implementing a non-gregorian calendar in Sugar

    Hello folks, We are trying to implement the Thai Buddha calendar for Sugar enterprise 10.x with SQL server. I would like to know if anyone has tried implementing a non-gregorian calendar for Sugar and if it is possible to implement it at the database…
  • Is time considered when filtering by date using Sugar API?

    I'm trying to filter records by date using an API call like this: "/rest/v11/RevenueLineItems?filter[0][date_modified][$gte]=" + date The date variable is originally a timestamp, but so far I've had to separate out the time part and only use the date…
  • How do I programmatically set a datetimecombo field?

    I have tried these examples in record.js: this.model.set('my_custom_datetime_field_c', "2016-02-01 00:00:01"); this.model.set('my_custom_datetime_field_c', Date.parse("2016-02-01 00:00:01")); The first one gave this error on save: Did not recognize my_custom_datetime_field_c…