• Change Meeting/Call Reminder Template to include Description value?

    What variable am i to use to add the meeting 'description' to the template? My change looked like this: <!-- BEGIN: MeetingReminder_Subject --> Meeting Reminder - {MEETING_SUBJECT} <!-- END: MeetingSpecial_Subject --> <!-- BEGIN: MeetingReminder --> Title…
  • How to manipulate directories and files on the new SugarCRM version.

    Hello everyone! Previously on my codes, I working with the local files and local directories using some like this: $function['mkdir'] = mkdir; $function['fopen'] = fopen; $function['unlink'] = unlink; ... $function['mkdir'](<new_directory_path>…
  • MailerFactory damage the attached files

    Hi Everyone! I have a problem with a code, I have a logichook that sends an email with files attached, but some days ago the customer reported an issue... the files arrive damage to the inbox email. I'm using the 'MailFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer…
  • Issue with Authenticated Custom Entry Point - redirecting to home page

    Hi, We may have found an issue with the authenticated custom entry point. It seems that there is an issue with the authentication even when the user is already logged in. We have experienced this on our custom entry points after we upgraded sugar to…
  • BeanFactory::getBean not returning existing record in SugarCRM custom code

    I have a SugarCRM integration. It has the following line in the code $beanToSync = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleToCheck, $beanToSync->id); In $moduleToCheck the module 'Leads' is passed and $beanToSync->id have an ID of an existing Lead in SUgarCRM…