• How to join result set of custom query using joinTable or Join method

    We have made customizations to add custom subpanels under Accounts Module. Earlier in 7.8.2, we have used joinRaw method to join the result set of custom query. But while upgrading the instance from 7.8.2 to 7.9.5, we got healthcheck error for joinRaw…
  • Subpanel with external database table

    I am working with Sugarcrm 8 ENT versdion, I want to display values from external ERP as a Sub panel in Accounts module. How can display legacy/external database table values in Accounts module subpanel.
  • Quoted Line Items Subpanel related Quotation in custom module

    I have created a Custom Module(COF) in that module when i select the Quotation all fields are auto populate based on Quotation. So how to get that quotation related Quoted Line Items in a custom subpanel after save the COF Form. I really need help, as…
  • How can I use joinTable properly?

    Hi there. I am making a custom sub panel to display accounts that are related to an opportunity but are't the paying account There is a custom 1 to many relationship from Accounts to Opportunities In opportunities there is a custom field which is a related…