• Custom Enum (dropdown) Fields and Select2 Fields

    This is a question and tutorial combined. The question is, can I do something similar to Relate inputs like Enum (dropdown) inputs? So after some scrounging around and figuring out of some custom features and extending features, I've come across the way…
  • Dropdown visible on studio but won't list options in front end

    Hi all, I have declared a custom drop down field with the following code in /custom/Extension/modules/GDLF_Gandalf_Table/Ext/Vardefs/customfields.php: $dictionary [ 'GDLF_Gandalf_Table' ][ 'fields' ][ 'gandalf_table_type_c' ]=[ 'name' => 'gandalf_table_type…
  • How to add Custom Dynamic Drop down field based on query options list Report module..?

    how to add Custom Dynamic Drop down field based on query options list Report module..? Want to add dynamic Drop down Filed based on query data Options in Suitecrm/sugarcrm Report Module Fielter..?