• Doc Merge not working / cURL Error 3 / 500 Server Error

    Hi Devs, We are currently trying to implement the Doc Merge feature on our on-site instance. When generating a document we get a 500 error on the GUI and in the log (debugging level) the following is thrown: Tue Mar 5 13:27:17 2024 [2911543][d90f4525…
  • Error "session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active"

    Hello, we got a weird issue on our DEV environnment ; the error message we got is " session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active ". Our dev is running under PHP 8.0. This message is happening when a custom job tries…
  • get attached file name

    Hi all, I am using the picture field in contacts to store an avatar image for my contacts. I want to be able to dowload this page via the api so I can store it on a website that the contacts use. i read the following page https://support.sugarcrm.com…
  • v10 API call for /Mail/attachment POST syntax

    Francesca Shiekh directing this straight to you as I believe you could assist, but asking for anyone else in the community for assistance. We are trying to use v10 API call for /Mail/attachment POST (i.e. {"email_attachment":"@\/path\/to\/ExampleDocument…
  • SugarCRM 8.0.1 not recognizing increase in limit of total fields in Elasticsearch 5.6.9 index

    In SugarCRM 8.0.1, I am trying to schedule a full system index, but I am running into the following error in the SugarCRM error log: [FATAL] Elasticsearch request failure: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [my_index] has been exceeded I am connected…
  • Is it possible to use CURL in logic hook for Sugarcrm 7.6 ?

    Thanks, M