• Hotfix for Duplicate Quote issue (many fields from the Quote Line Items can't be modified from the create view of the copy) ?

    Hello, I am facing a sugar bug that is very annoying for my customer ; when copying a model quote, several of the fields of the QLI of this new quote can't be modified from the create view (quantity, price, discount etc.). So we have to first save…
  • Duplicate Function: How can I manage fields to duplicate?

    Hello Devs, I would like to customise the duplicate function and expand the fields that are also copied when duplicating. To my knowledge, this is not documented. I have seen different approaches, but I am unsure how to proceed here and therefore ask…
  • I am creating a package, but my files are failing to copy.

    Below is what the first part of the manifest looks like. Note: I also have a folder in the package zip file called Files with all the files. The error I am getting is: " Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/VP9U4G/Files/custom/Extention/application…
  • Copy Quote is not working

    Hi EveryOne, I have created record.js to hide pdf templates based on condition and allowing users to edit the quote based on user type. This functionality is working but copy quote functionality is not working now( not able to copy the record). Does anyone…
  • How to add view to Administration module?

    Hey everyone, Today I was trying to add a custom link in the admin panel and did that successfuly. I also managed to add a custom action to the Administration module action view map. I know that the link is working because when I add the view manually…