• rollupConditionalSum and multiple conditions

    Hi, I have created two custom modules which we feed data into from our on-prem systems via the Sugar API. Obviously rollupConditionalSum only allows one condition, but I need 2 conditions for the calculation I want I found an article explaining new functions…
  • Drop Down dependent based on two dropdown ?

    Hi @All, I want to solution to dropdown Listing based on two parent dropdown condition scenario- i have 3 Drop Down 1-categeory 2-Subcategeory 3- application office current fun-: subcategory dropdown list is shows based on category and application…
  • if else condition in hbs file

    i want to put if else condition in hbs file I tried for this code , but it is not working {{#if name 'Management Review'}} <a style="color:red" href="#{{module_type}}/{{id}}" target="_blank">{{name}}</a> {{else}} <a href="#{{module_type…