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  • send an email after contact updates in backbone.js

    following from my previous question, I have a button to reset a contacts password field and want to send the contact an email once the update is complete the function that updates the row is resetUserPassword: function(model) { var id = this.model.get…
  • Accommodating backbone.js changes

    Hey guys, For assorted reasons, just now on Sugar 7.8 and am having a bit of difficulty converting a custom dashboard we built. I've spent plenty of time in this article but I'm not seeing the fix here. Basically, we need to track the change in two dropdown…
  • How to restrict Account Create In to Mobile-App sugarCRM 7.* ?

    Hi Everyone, I have restricted account creation in to web(Base) but when I have check same for mobile-app that is not working. Can anyone help how to restrict account creation in to mobile-app. Please check below attachment for reference. Thanks Alex…
  • model.save() over write the full bean instead of just set fields

    Hello Folks, I have find out a big problem with sugarcrm. I have created the custom popup for Accounts module by following Adding a new popup view in Sugar 7.x Record View « Sugar Developer Blog – SugarCRM and it is working fine. Now Suppose I have Industry…
  • How can I run a function when a parent Record View function runs?

    I am building a customisation that extends a view ( BaseProductBundlesQuoteDataGroupListView ) that already extends the BaseRecordView and I need one of my custom functions to run after a new record is saved. I've found that there are save() and handleSave…
  • The option {silent:true} doesn't seem to turn off the "change" event in Sugarcrm 7.8

    Hi Guys, So i wanted to change the display value of a field. I've placed the code after the sync event ( this.model.on('sync', <function>, this); ). On the <function>, i've added the code: this.model.set(<key>,<value>,{silent:true}). The silent value…
  • Which plugin Sugarcrm-7.* use for login where only one user can login in same browser ?

    Hi Everyone, I want to know the core of sugercrm-7.* for login where only one user can login in same browser which plugin they use ? Thanks Advance.
  • How to generate GUID in create-action.js sugarcrm 7.* ?

    I want to generate the GUID in create-action.js is there any function in sugarcrm 7.* provide ? Like we use php side 'create_guid()' same anything is there ? Thanks.
  • Sugar 7 Enterprise - Preventing form from submiting

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise 7.5. I already found a way to validate related fields from the model RevenueLineItems using javascript (backbone.js + underscore.js), and show an error message on the screen. It's being used on the EditView. But I…
  • Sugar 7 - Form submitting before client-side validation

    Hello. I'm using SugarCRM Enterprise 7.5 for production system, and 7.7 for the test system. I'm developing a package for form validation in the RevenueLineItems (it's called 'Receita' in brazilian portuguese) native module. I followed exactly what this…
  • how to retrieve list of valid field options from client?

    When setting drop down fields from the client, how can I retrieve the list or map of valid field options? On the record model at model.fields['my_field_name'].options there seems to be a key for the list I need to lookup, is that correct? If so, where…
  • retrieve related records using backbone

    I see that it's possible to retrieve a record's related records using the rest api: app.api.call('getRelatedRecord', '/rest/v10/:module/:recordId/link/:relatedModule/', callbacks); Is it possible to accomplish this with the record's Backbone model itself…
  • possible to override specific functions of a client js Views/Models without completely overriding the component?

    v7.7.0 I need to add some additional functionality to a client js View (/sugarcrm/modules/Emails/clients/base/views/compose/compose.js) on one of the methods. Is it possible to override a single method of this View without completely overriding it? I…
  • htmleditable_tinymce field is display in base(web)  but that is disabled in mobile view  sugarcrm 7.* why ?

    Hi Everyone, I have facing some problem in htmleditable_tinymce field. I use sugarcrm default field type " clients/base/fields/htmleditable_tinymce " In base(web) that is look good and working fine but when I put that field in to mobile view it see as…
  • Sugar 7 - CreateView field logic breaking form

    Hello. I use Sugar Enterprise 7.7. Only recently I got form validation on page load to work. But there is a problem: the validation I done actually changes the field value by changing it's model value, but it's giving a javascript error, blocking the…
  • Sugar 7 - CreateView not working

    Hello. I'm using Sugar Enterprise 7.5 for production system, and 7.7 for test system. I need to change a datetime module field value in the page as soon as the page is loaded. It's for a custom module. The first solution was to use "calculated fields…
  • Sugar Enterprise 7 - Client-side validation not working

    Hello. I'm using Sugar Enterprise I have a RevenueLineItems module, and need some validations for field and form submit. I have a record.js file for the module, with its destination path defined in the manifest installdefs as: custom/modules…
  • Override Layout in Sugar Portal Issue sugarEnterprise 7.6.0

    Hi Everyone, I have face issue to override layout in sugarEnterprice portal . I have override my portal dashboard layouts below step I have to follow. 1. I have copy those two files from " .\clients\portal\layouts\dashboard\dashboard.js "," .\clients…
  • How to format currency amount to current user locale in record.js sugarCRM 7.*?

    can anyone help how can i convert my currency amount in current user locale. I want to convert currency and render in to my own custom view .hbs file. Thanks