• Get all records from a filter in listview

    Hi people. I am following the following tutorial Tutorial Dashlet listView , to create a Dashlet that allows me to capture the records in the list view depending on the filter. No problem so far. The question is, when they exceed the 20 records that the…
  • How to get all the data of a model from backbone?

    Hi, I'm trying to get the data of a model (Account) to send it to a third party service from Backbone, but I can't seem to find a way to get all the attributes of the model. I'm only receiving the attributes that are loaded in the view I've tried using…
  • Run Duplicate check on keyup event of backbone

    Hi All, I am using a SugarCRM I want to run the default duplicate check functionality of SugarCRM on keyup event of the backbone controller. So far, I have written the following code to extend the default controller of the record view, and I…
  • JavaScript Controller copy one field to another before blanking the first field

    field_one is a drop down and field_two is a varchar. I want to be able to pick a value in field_one , have it populate field_two and then clear out field_one . Sounds simple enough. So I run this code in the on change event: this.model.set(' field_two…
  • How do I dynamically change a list on a CreateView

    I want to change the list of status on the Case create view based on a selection made from a drop down list and the role of a user. I currently have code running which should do this. It will successfully fire when the form is initiated but it does not…