• Add JS API call to menu.

    Hi, I have a sugar API endpoint (GET) that pulls a processed set of meetings records as CSV - using date parameters. I can call this using the standard sugar password grant type from an external client. However, I would also like to integrate this into…
  • Using OAuth2.0 Swift authentication

    Hello All, I am developing an iOS application for crm. I am try to authentication using Oauth2.0. There are in bellow code. let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift ( consumerKey: client_id, consumerSecret: clientSecret, authorizeUrl: authURL, accessTokenUrl: accessURL…
  • Authenticating with REST API without using username and password

    Hello! I'm integrating SugarCRM with our product to import and push data. I'm planning on using the latest REST API v8.2. My question is that the authentication flow requires us to get the username and password from the user into our client. I was wondering…