• How to show meetings in every Invitee related Accounts Subpanel

    Hi everyone, We would like to implement that all meetings are also displayed in the subpanel of the accounts that are behind a participant. In the Meetings module, multiple participants can be added to a meeting. However, the meeting should not only…
  • Disable duplicate name check on Accounts module

    Hello. How do I disable duplicate name check on creating a new account in the Accounts module with SugarCrm CE 6.5? Thanks. Regards, Ramon
  • Auto Increment Integer Field in SugarCRM 7.6 On-Demand (SaaS)

    I've been encountering an issue when working with SugarCRM 7.6 On Demand (aka SaaS instance) in making a custom field auto-increment on every update. Since I can't access the code directly to modify Sugar's internals to create an auto-incremented field…
  • How to update the documents_account table from REST api

    When upload document for certain account, the documents_accounts table stores both account id and document id. When upload the file from REST api, need to store the account_id and document_id in document_accounts table, but i can't store those values…
  • How do I modify history dashlet from Meeting to Tasks in Account module ?

    I create a custom dashlet, copy all history dashlet folder, put into custom folder, rename and rebuild. My mycustom dashlet is showing and work. I try to change Meeting into Tasks. I change status to Task status, change module to Tasks and replace meetings…