Custom filter modification casuses white screen

Hello, Developers!

I have an issue with filters.

We needed to add a custom filter to our Accounts module and make it default. ( In fact, we wanted to list only our "active" accounts as default. The base issue was that users when to create a new opportunity they were able to pick Inactive Accounts, and this caused some misunderstandings and other errors. The difference between "active" and "inactive" account was only a custom fields dropdown value called "Status".)

I found a workaround and was perfect. We had the new filter called "Active Accounts". But during parameterizing the new filter I just made a mistake: the create operator was set to false. This caused that users lost the ability in Accounts module to create they own filters, the Create option disappeared. 

So I edited again the file, and set create value from "false" to "true", but after Repair, I got a blank screen aka "white screen". The sugar logs are not saying anything nor the apache log. 

I provide the filter code for sure:

$module_name = "Accounts";
$viewdefs[$module_name]['base']['filter']['aktiv'] = array(
    'create'               => true,
    'filters'              => array(
            'id'                => 'aktiv',
            'name'              => 'LBL_AKTIV',
            'filter_definition' => array(
                    'szervezet_statusza_c' => 'aktiv',
            'editable'          => true,

We using the Sugar CRM Enterprise, 7.8 version.

Thank You for Your help!


Arpad Sabo

  • Hello, we find the solution.

    In this case the /var/www/html/cache folder caused the problem. 

    1. We renamed the cache folder to "cache_old"

    2. Then created a new "cache" folder

    3. Set up the file and folder permissions for the folder.

    4. Run the repair from ssh (somewhere or in this forum, or on the official guides there a workaround to create a repair.php file to gain the ability to run the Quick repair on ssh)

    5. And done

    The Accounts module showed up, and beside the "Active Accounts" filter we got back the "Create filter" option also.


    Arpad Sabo

  • Hello, we find the solution.

    In this case the /var/www/html/cache folder caused the problem. 

    1. We renamed the cache folder to "cache_old"

    2. Then created a new "cache" folder

    3. Set up the file and folder permissions for the folder.

    4. Run the repair from ssh (somewhere or in this forum, or on the official guides there a workaround to create a repair.php file to gain the ability to run the Quick repair on ssh)

    5. And done

    The Accounts module showed up, and beside the "Active Accounts" filter we got back the "Create filter" option also.


    Arpad Sabo

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