Extend viewdefs to change a value for a button

I am trying to disable a button in the Save button dropdown in a module's record view.

I would like to do that for just that single button without overriding the entire file, so I thought I would create and extension file for the record view and unset that array element.

Obviously if there are other extensions adding more buttons in this dropdown, I don't want to unset the wrong one, so I tried all kinds of foreach loops with if statements, array_walk_recursive(), array_map() and more foreach loops referencing the original array.

The only actual way I managed to do it is still this:


And if another button gets added at the top of the dropdown, this should theoretically remove the wrong button!

I cannot find anything in the documentation or examples of how this simple thing should be done besides copying the entire file. I believe that would make this simple change affect any other modules also trying to affect the same view.

  • Hi Artis Plocins 

    I believe this article is useful.

    Good luck!

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Your code must be something like that:


    foreach ($viewdefs['Calls']['base']['view']['record']['buttons'] as $i => $button) {
    if ($button['name'] == 'save_dropdown') {
    foreach ($button['buttons'] as $j => $btn) {
    if ($btn['name'] == 'save_invite_button') {
    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Can you kindly share the content of your custom/modules/Call/clients/base/views/create/create.php?

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi Artis, 

    I think you are really close, just in the create view the the array that controls that dropdown is 

                'name' => 'main_dropdown',

    So for your code:


    it should be


    foreach ($viewdefs['Calls']['base']['view']['create']['buttons'] as $i => $button) {
      if ($button['name'] == 'main_dropdown') {
        foreach ($button['buttons'] as $j => $btn) {
          if ($btn['name'] == 'save_invite_button') {

    And then Quick Repair and Rebuild.

    In situations like this, I often use a log line to see what arrives in the code. You can do that anywhere with: 

     $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("artis: ".print_r($array,true));

    Then you can monitor the sugarcrm.log to see if for example an if condition is not fulfilled. 


    A different way to approach disabling the existing item without overwriting would be just to extend the CreateView. 

    Create a file:


    With content: 

                                    this.on('render', this.disableSaveInviteButton,this);
                                          var saveInviteButton;

    Then run a Quick Repair or rebuild the cache and the button will be disabled.

    Let me know if that worked for you. 



  • This was immensely helpful and worked. Thank you very much!

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