Sugar 7.5 and click to call : how do i make phone number clickable ?H

Hello everyone,

My customer is using Sugar Pro (i know, this is an ancient version) and would like to link it with Kiamo, which is a clic-to-call/calls management solution.

And i was wondering .... We will I-don't-know-how plug Sugar and Kiamo, and i still have a question :

How do you make the phone number clickable ? (like the email address is clickable for instance..)

I mean, i really don't know how we will plug sugar and Kiamo (by connectors? by API ?) and i still have this little question popping ..

Could you please give me some advice maybe ? or some tips and the answer to my silly little question ?

Thanks a lot.

have a nice day !

  • It'll depend on how Kiamo actually works, but perhaps taking a look at the built-in example for Skype will help.

    Take a look at the phone field component in ./clients/base/fields/phone/.

  • It'll depend on how Kiamo actually works, but perhaps taking a look at the built-in example for Skype will help.

    Take a look at the phone field component in ./clients/base/fields/phone/.

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