After Update on 14.0.1 ENT OnPrem: Inline-Edit in Subpanels for Custom Modules no longer possible

Hello Devs,

after our update to version 14.0.1 ENT OnPrem, it is no longer possible to access the edit mode within the subpanels by double-clicking. However, this only affects modules that we have subsequently added, i.e. custom modules via the Module Builder. The function is available for all standard modules (Notes, Calls etc.).

I have not found any information on how to check the inline edit in subpanels, in the config itself there is only preview edit and this is activated and works system-wide, also for custom MOdules.

Have you had similar experiences here or do you know where inline editing can be activated for your own modules?

Standard-Module Notes: Subpanel double click in Subject --> Edit Mode opens

Custom Module Invoices: Subpanel double click in Subject --> Nothing happens

I look forward to your feedback.

Martin Neitzke

