warning undefined key "calculated"


I have created a custom scheduler, which runs fine, but it gives me the following warning:

Warning [2]: Undefined array key "calculated" over /var/www/html/include/Expressions/DependencyManager.php op regel 188

I feel like this is a bug, but maybe anyone here has an explanation?

The scheduler runs the following code:

$bean = BeanFactory::retrieveBean('Quotes', "ed55fc4e-b3cc-11ef-94ac-0242ac120007");
$bean->quote_stage = 'Concept offerte';
$bean->projectcode_c = '123746';

Performing a postman request to the REST API setting the same values does not result in any warnings. Any idea why this warning occurs?

Looking in the source code of Sugar I get to this line of code:

if (!empty($def['required']) && isset($def['required_formula']) && !$def['calculated']) {



I would expect either the sugar code has to be changed to:

&& (!array_key_exists('calculated', $def) || !$def['calculated'])

OR we have to figure out why $def['calculated'] is not being set.

I am running version 13.0.3

Update: running the same code on another module, does not give the same error, so it is related to the quote module. Maybe it has something to do with calculations of totals of quote line items or something?

Kind regards,


  • Hello  ,

    I suspect that this is the issue behind the warning that you are seeing

     #92699 ( portal.sugarondemand.com/ )

    This issue arises because certain E_NOTICE warnings that were previously suppressed in SugarCronJobs::executeJob() under PHP 7 are now being treated as E_WARNING in PHP 8.
    As a result, these warnings are no longer ignored and are displayed during execution, causing the Warning that you see in the log. 

    This issue was fixed, you should be able to get an hotfix via support case. 
    Let us know if that prevents the warnings to show. 



  • Hi André,

    It took a while for sugar to give me the hotfix, hence the late reply. I tested the hotfix, but it does not solve my problem. Any idea what else could cause this problem?



  • Hi  , 

    Hum...that's a bummer. 
    Would you mind sharing the complete custom Scheduler file content, I would like to test it locally to see if I get the same on a stock 13.0.3. 



  • <?php
    namespace Sugarcrm\Sugarcrm\custom\inc\processors;

    use BeanFactory;
    use SugarBean;
    use SugarQuery;

    class MyScheduler
    const RECORD_LIMIT = 100;

    public function match()
    $sugarQuery = new SugarQuery();
    $sugarQuery->select(array('id', 'quote_num'));
    $sugarQuery->where()->equals('quote_stage', 'Wacht op verwerking');

    $quotes = $sugarQuery->execute();
    if(safeCount($quotes) > 0) {
    foreach($quotes as $entry) {
    $entry = BeanFactory::retrieveBean('Quotes', $entry["id"]);
    $entry->quote_stage = 'Concept offerte';
    $entry->projectcode_c = '123746';
  • Normally project code would be determined based on other data, but without this logic, the code still gives the same error. So to simplify I removed as much code which still results in the same error.

  • Hi  , 

    I implemented a very similar Scheduler using the standard approach outlined in our documentation,

    Here is the code I added to my instance:

    //file custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/update_quotes.php
    // Register the custom job
    array_push($job_strings, 'custom_job');
    // Define a constant outside the function
    define('RECORD_LIMIT', 100);
    function custom_job()
        $sugarQuery = new SugarQuery();
        $sugarQuery->select(array('id', 'quote_num'));
        $sugarQuery->where()->equals('quote_stage', 'Draft');
        $quotes = $sugarQuery->execute();
        if (!empty($quotes)) {
            foreach ($quotes as $entry) {
                $quote = BeanFactory::retrieveBean('Quotes', $entry["id"]);
                if ($quote) {
                    $quote->quote_stage = 'Delivered';
                    $quote->projectcode_c = '123746';
        return true;

    The job is running as expected, and I’m not seeing any warnings on my end. 

    Would you mind testing my approach to see if it makes any difference?

    Another thing I noticed is that match() is a reserved keyword in PHP 8 due to the introduction of the match expression. Could you try changing the function name to see if the behavior changes?

    If that doesn’t resolve the issue, could you share the field vardefs for both:



    This would help us identify if there’s anything in the fields we are trying to edit causing the discrepancy in behavior.

    I hope this brings us closer to a resolution!



  • Thank you André, I am trying the suggestions, but think I will have to pin point the cause of the problem further, because the cause of the problem is still not clear. I will update this thread once I have more info.

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