Record Dashboard Report filtered by open record


I would like to show on the record dashboard all open tasks belonging to the open account record.
I tried it with the Report Wizard but I couldn't find something.

I'm sure it's possible and hopefully someone here knows how to do it.

Thanks a lot in advance

Parents Reply
  • Good Morning Andre,

    If you have some time you maybe could help me again. Very similar theme.
    The ListView Dashlet works perfect, but I would like to use the Report Dashlet for a chart report.
    Let's say instead of a list of open tasks, I would like to show a chart with the counts of Todos per status.
    2 open, 3 In progress, 10 completed for example.

    In the report wizard I'm at the place where I have selected a report and we have the same checkbox "Related to Current Record". But when I click the checkbox another field appears where I have to enter a field or subpanel.
    But there is nothing I can find with any search. 

    Which field do I need in the report for having a match here ??
    Let's imagine we have the relation Accounts---> Tasks .... I guess I need somehow the Accounts.ID in my report. But it's a chart and I'm showing bars and no foreign keys :-)

    I tried a lot, as always before I'm asking here, but I found no solution.

    Thanks a lot in advance :-)
