after Upgrade sugar from 11.0.3 to 14.0.0 some issues on client side

HI All. 

I hope you can help me on this, I have done the upgrade with no errors but I have 2 issues. 

  1. issue on Emails, when you select the email template it does not populate the email body, does any one knows why?
  2. issue on doc merger when you try to merge it it does not pop up on the side bar, so we don't know if is working or not. 

  • Hi  , 

    Thanks for raising this issue!
    I’ve reviewed older cases but haven’t found much to go on yet.
    Since these are two separate concerns, I suggest we handle each issue through its own troubleshooting process.

    Issue 1: Email Body Not Populating

    • Could you clarify the exact action you’re performing when the email body fails to populate?
      Is this during the process of sending an email? Can you confirm that and clarify how exactly is the email being sent? 

    • Are there any errors in the PHP error logs or the SugarCRM logs when this action occurs?

    • Regarding the email body content, can you check if any fields or any content that you are using changed after the upgrade?

    Issue 2: Document Generation Issue

    • Are there any errors in the browser console when attempting to generate the documents?

    • Are the documents being generated at all, or is nothing happening?

    • As a next step, could you try creating a simple test template to verify whether this issue is related to a specific template/record or if it’s a broader DocMerge issue with the instance?

  • Hi  , 

    Thanks for raising this issue!
    I’ve reviewed older cases but haven’t found much to go on yet.
    Since these are two separate concerns, I suggest we handle each issue through its own troubleshooting process.

    Issue 1: Email Body Not Populating

    • Could you clarify the exact action you’re performing when the email body fails to populate?
      Is this during the process of sending an email? Can you confirm that and clarify how exactly is the email being sent? 

    • Are there any errors in the PHP error logs or the SugarCRM logs when this action occurs?

    • Regarding the email body content, can you check if any fields or any content that you are using changed after the upgrade?

    Issue 2: Document Generation Issue

    • Are there any errors in the browser console when attempting to generate the documents?

    • Are the documents being generated at all, or is nothing happening?

    • As a next step, could you try creating a simple test template to verify whether this issue is related to a specific template/record or if it’s a broader DocMerge issue with the instance?

  • Issue 1: Email Body Not Populating

    • Could you clarify the exact action you’re performing when the email body fails to populate?

      -- When you compose the email and select the template

       When the drawer is closed the callback is trigger and the argument is null. No Data is passed back. 

    • Is this during the process of sending an email? Can you confirm that and clarify how exactly is the email being sent? 


    • Are there any errors in the PHP error logs or the SugarCRM logs when this action occurs?

    • Regarding the email body content, can you check if any fields or any content that you are using changed after the upgrade?

    • NO

    Temp Solution!

    Workaround  worked as I extended the field and intead of the callback pass the argument over  I am using window.localStorage to pass the data back when the Drawer is closed. 

    Issue 2: Document Generation Issue

    • Are there any errors in the browser console when attempting to generate the documents?

      NO errors on the browser
    • Are the documents being generated at all, or is nothing happening?
      No nothing is generated

    • As a next step, could you try creating a simple test template to verify whether this issue is related to a specific template/record or if it’s a broader DocMerge issue with the instance?
      We have create a docx with 1 variable nothing else on it and still no showing the popup . 


    Rodrigo Manara

    Sr. Developer