how to check the length of products in product bundle?

Hello All, 

I am trying to show all the products in bundles as a table in doc template 
im doing the folllowing:

{if name.length > 0 }{name}
•	{description}{/product_bundle_notes}

Pos	Artikelnr.	Bezeichnung	Rabatt	Menge	Einzelpreis je ME	GP (Brutto)	GP rabattiert

{#products sort='position:asc'}{@index}	{product_template_name.abbildung_c scale='0.05'}	{}	{product_template_name.kurztext_de_c}	{discount_amount}	{quantity}	{product_template_name.list_price}	{subtotal}	{total_amount}{/products}

I have two groups or bundles but for some reason, a third empty bundle is shown even tho i dont have it.

like this:

my two groups show fine but at the end i get a third empty one.

i have tried to get the length and showing something only if  a bundle has more than 0 products but i couldnt find out how to find such a thing.

also i want the word comment shown only if there are comments but i also couldnt find out the length property to do such a conditional.

help is appreciated
thank you in advance